2021 Roundtables Session 1: Version 2020.3 Deep-Dive: Manufacturing Excellence

Welcome to the discussion board for the first Customer Roundtables session of 2021, Version 2020.3 Deep-Dive: Manufacturing Excellence.

Product Managers Katie Farley and Brian Beckstead will be available to answer questions starting at 12:45 p.m. EDT on 27 January. Introduce yourself and tag @katie.farley and @brian.beckstead if you have a question you would like answered.

If you don’t yet have a MasterControl Cafe account, sign up using this link: https://mastercontrol.influitive.com/join/CustomerRoundtables . Once you sign up, you’ll be able to access other helpful customer discussions.

If you would like to register for the Customer Roundtables series, go to this challenge.

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@brian.beckstead We had a couple questions we didn’t have time for in the live session. Can you please help answer those below?

  1. Can anyone override training and predecessors?
  2. How do you configure: form completion required for release?
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Great questions! I am sad that we didn’t get a chance to get to them during our call but I would love to go over them:

1. Can anyone override training and predecessors?

The quick answer to this is NO. Only users that have been assigned the “Supervisor Override” Production Record Application Role Right can do this. This will also require a user in that role to enter a comment as well as enter their Username and Electronic Signature to proceed.

  1. How do you configure: form completion required for release?

This is a feature that I am very excited about. The goal of this feature is to address the user problem that some forms that could be launched throughout the process of the Production Record should prevent it from being released until the form is resolved/completed.

The way a user would configure this would be to:
a. Go to the Production Record Hub page (click on the Production Record link on the left hand side navigation)
b. Click on: CONFIGURATION > Quality Event Completion Requirement
c. Select which Form(s) should, in the event that they are launched throughout the execution of a Production Record, prevent the Production Record from being released.
d. Select which Role(s) would be allowed to override this requirement.

Once configured, this will apply to all Master Templates and their associated Production Records.