2021 Roundtables Session 2: Version 2020.3 Deep-Dive: Quality Excellence

Welcome to the discussion board for the first Customer Roundtables session of 2021, Version 2020.3 Deep-Dive: Quality Excellence.

Product Management Director Lane Hirning will be available to answer questions starting at 12:45 p.m. EDT on 27 January. Introduce yourself and tag @Inactive-Member-23121905 if you have a question you would like answered.

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We had a few questions asked before today’s session that may be better answered by a Services expert. @Katie.Lehjika Can you please help answer these ?

  1. From @Debbie.Lucas: We have the page settings for the document InfoCard list set to display main file, but also have the setting that users cant’ view documents without a completed training task. The page setting appears to have overruled the training setting and users are able to view the main file this way even without a completed training task. Is this correct and can it be fixed?

  2. @Adrian.Davila: I’ve assigned the email notification preferences right to my role, but I still cannot find the setting in the portal without switching to admin. Can you help?

  3. @Heidi.Meinen: How will the upgrade affect any of the FBS forms currently routing through 19.3?

  4. @matthew.seitz.paquette What role rights are needed to edit the new departments list? What are the best-practice recommendations for assigning those rights?

  5. @Amanda.Browde: Do you have any recommendations on assigning and storing staff CVs and Job Descriptions via Training vault?

  6. @matt.bishop Which validation documents do you recommend for us to download, review, approve, and file for the new version so that we can show to future auditors?

Multi-select custom fields can be imported using the Configuration Manager in the Import section of Portal. It uses JSON so its a bit technical but you might have someone in your group that can help or talk to support. It allows you to bring in the new custom field with values and assign to the InfoCard types. You might want to export one from your test system - edit that JSON and then import it to see how it works.

Some folks might have noticed that Real Time Collaboration was not mentioned today. It will be released with 2021.1. We were delayed due to the approval process from Microsoft - they want to ensure that any integration like this meets their specifications. Since the code was part of 2020.3 and only requires configuration, we will look setting it up for interested customers after the release in 2021.1 If you are a Annual release customer and interested, reach out to support after the 2021.1 release. Watch for the 2021.1 release Webinar to hear more about it.

Happy to help!

@debbie.lucas This may need a little clarification in terms of talking through this question. Is this impacting a inline PDF View, the Published PDF view, or a native file (if associated to a non-published lifecycle)?

Based on what I can gather from this context, it sounds like perhaps the page setting of “display main document” "could be’ overriding the trigger for untrained material. I would test/confirm this is the case, and reach out to Tech Support if so. I am assuming without further context, perhaps it is happening with inline PDF View, but would need testing/confirmation to confirm this.

I would first confirm it isn’t a simple issue before running through the test above by looking at a couple of possibilities:

Check to see that your Course view materials selection has been changed (and confirm in your Course Audit Trail that it wasn’t changed to checked after the Course went out). It can be quite common that the view materials Course selection is assigned after a course had already been released, especially if you have variants of this in your Course Template (or are creating Courses manually). In this case, we might need to either retrigger training on individual (Training Folder > Course > sends to just that Individual) or reapprove the Course (sends to all).

I would also first verify the obvious (which you likely have): a User who can see document is outlined in a Job Code that contains said Course… I understand this may be stating the obvious, but have had many implementing customers in the past where there is a panic moment before they realize that Users may not have been assigned that Course (and can therefore see the InfoCard).

Last obvious item I might check is to see if the Course is not yet released, as that can also cause new document items to not trigger a deny message (even if the document is released). This can be more common on Courses with a manual selection instead of an automatic selections

@adrian.davila Once the right has been added to the role, you should be able to locate the area by navigating to Portal > Configuration > Email Customization. From there, you can add new Customizations, and edit existing ones once created. Note: I ran a quick sanity check in a test site as I walked back through this, and confirmed I was able to see the area as soon as I added the email customization portal right to that role; even in the absence of any other portal rights assigned to that role.

Hope this helps on the journey for this great new feature!

@heidi.meinen Regarding general implementation considerations around Enhanced Forms, as a general point of an Upgrade, you always want to complete as many in-process tasks as possible.

Also, as a general point of note: Enhanced Forms (FBS) are a Configuration within the system.

Historically, there is a first generation configuration, and a second generation configuration. As this is a configuration, if you are on the earlier first generation version, we are not adjusting this upon Upgrade unless you are working through a Conversion Purchase to go to the newer Enhanced Form configuration.

Hope this helps with some of the perspectives here!

Will the session be somewhere to watch later? And/or will all the questions and answers during the session be posted here? I got interrupted a couple times and didn’t get to hear everything.

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@matthew.seitz.paquette Users or Users Basic are appropriate rights to allow for Department Drop Down functionality. Ultimately, you would want to consider which Administrators you wish to have the ability to edit those. Typically Training, Doc, and SubAdmin types have Users Basic or Users rights for other functions of need.

You would simply want to outline in your Business process when it is okay to make that update and when it might become a challenge. An example of this might be more than one site using that department - that would be a good use case for needing to check with others pulling from that same department field value before applying a change.

Also a minor note: if you are ever working with Text Import of Users, that Department Field name listed with User to be imported would need to exist first in that Department area, or you would import with a blank value.

@amanda.browde With current system functionality, the most popular way we see this approached is attachment to the Trainee Information (either adding system side via Training Folder, or running in imports if you have a substantial amount to deal with, as both sides lead to the Trainee InfoCard > Attachments and Links area in terms of where they are stored.

The business process would of course need to reflect this is where to locate the CV if you ever need to speak to granularity.

Another popular adjunct option is to have a “purposeful bottleneck” Course with a Verifier to ensure that Trainee CV Upload to the Trainee area takes place (with instructions around how to upload to either Training Folder or to Course once received from User signing off on Course, or their Supervisor).

Considerations around this approach: if you were to only have them attach it to a Course, the next Course sign will write over it, so even with a Course, attachment to the Training Folder is most relevant.

Also, that means the Verifier will need to have access to view the Trainee Folder, which means this will likely remain either a direct Supervisor (e.g. Trainee Supervisor system role), or an Admin function that has override rights if not a Supervisor.

Hope this helps you with your journey on the CV-front!

@matt.bishop You are always best in this area to navigate to your Vx Tool area of the Customer website for relevant information specific to your purchase(s) and to your release.

Regarding the general approval statement, you are likely already aware of this, but wanted to mention it anyway. The Vx Tool takes on a lot of the burden of Validation. They are typically stored in your account for later reference if you are using the toolkit.

A creative use case some customers have taken (if they don’t want to go into the Customer Website every time): is taking that final record from the Vx Toolkit for that activity, and then routing a copy their respective MasterControl instance; aligned to wherever they are approving / storing their Validation. items.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your MasterControl representative if there are questions beyond the general points here for information most relevant for you.

@carina.woodruff.1 This session will be available on-demand from the customer website, at this link: https://www.mastercontrol.com/customers/webinars/.

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Austin, Thank you! I will check it out.