2020 Roundtables Session 3: Optimize Your MasterControl Solution

Welcome to the discussion board for the third session of the Customer Roundtables series, Optimize Your MasterControl Solution.

Ruben Gottardi, Solutions Consultant, will be available to answer questions starting at 12:45 p.m. EDT on October 6. Introduce yourself and tag @Inactive-Member-12145082 if you have a question you would like answered.

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We use Taxonomy explorer views. Many are based on Infocard Subtype. When new document subtypes are added to MasterControl, the new subtype(s) get added to every Subtype based taxonomy organizer. When will this be corrected? We were previously told this was working as designed. We are on 2018.3.

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For standards, what is commonly done or best practices with regards to “parent” and “child” standards? For example, 21 CFR 211 is broken into subparts (A-K), each with specific regulations (211.xxx). Then each regulation typically has lettered sub-parts, like 211.1(a). Should Subpart A be the parent, with the regulations being child, and then the lettered sub-parts be children to the children? What is easiest both in terms of organizing standards and setting them up for use in the Audit module?

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Is there a way to mass replace custom field values that were incorrectly inputted by users?

Are the export, binders, and table of contents Explorer options available in 2018.3, or have those features been added in a subsequent revision. If subsequent, are they available in Classic 20?

I would also like to know about this. We are on 11.7 upgrading to 2018.3 - Table of Contents is not available in 11.7 for taxonomy.

In a multiselection custom field, is it possible to add value to existion one with the import functionality ?

We are on 2018.3. We stopped using custom fields on document infocards as they are removed when we do any replace field on the infocard. Has this changed in later versions, or are custom field values still removed when a replace field is used?

Hello! So if a new Subtype is created in MC and a Taxonomy Explorer is using Subtype as a folder option, the new folder will be added automatically. If you are wanting to have more of a static Explorer structure, default Explorers may be a better option. If not, you would have to go into each Taxonomy Explorer and deselect the added Subtypes. I will make a note and see if there are any plans to change this functionality.

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Is this a defect in 2018.3 and is there a patch for it?

It appears that a Table of Contents for a taxonomy is not available in 2018.3 - I checked our TEST site where we have upgraded to 2018.3. Not sure if we need to be on the new 2020 to get the option to create a Table of Contents.

Those features are available in 2018.3. But they are dependant on Rights and what packages were purchased. I would check if the features are available as the Sysadmin and if not present I check with your CSR to see if it is in your package and not enabled.

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Working as designed, unfortunately.

If you search for documents based on the Custom Field values in question, you can select the InfoCards then use the Replace Fields function to adjust the selections.

We received a lot of wonderful questions that we unfortunately were unable to get to in the live session. I’ll be posting them here for @Inactive-Member-12145082 to answer.

My organizers auto update every time I add a new element to Documents and I have to spend lots of time cleaning up and re-verifying those organizers. Is this something that will be corrected?

The order would be as follows:
21 CFR 211 - parent
21 CFR 211.xxx child of parent
21 CFR 211.xxx.a child of child
As far as the process, you would create the parent, then click the “Add Subsection” option. Then create subsections of that subsection. I hope that I understood that correctly.

Is there a way to show revision history of a Standard?

Thank you! This is what I was looking for.

From @marco.zinken: Are Standards Available in J-Reports?