2020 Roundtables Session 3: Optimize Your MasterControl Solution

Currently a Custom Field value cannot be appended via the text import. You can use the Replace fields function to adjust the fields in bulk.

From @darci.pahssen: Can we have Standards optional to print out on the design of the published PDF?

Another question from @darci.pahssen concerning custom field value searches:

If a user does not know which values are available, how do they perform a search?

But what do we do if the custom field entry is different in every infocard?

Hello I am going to double check this and replay again to make sure as I believed Table of Contents was available. I will reply here again today when I’ve made sure.

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I am going to research this today and follow up on this thread.

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Standards are metadata attributes that can be added to InfoCards. They are not under revision control so the history of changes would not be collected. You could create an InfoCard to track this or an eForm with a report to track that.

Ok so I do have one follow-up question: What is the most appropriate or recommended way for naming standards and sections? In the screenshot below, I made the parent standard for 21 CFR 211, then a child standard for 211.22, and then child sections for 21.22(a)-(d). Should these last sections (bottom of the hierarchy) be named with standard/section labels as I did for (a) and (b), or as I did for ( c ) and (d)?

Standards are only in the InfoCard view. If you need them to be in the Published PDF view, you would have to add them to the document manually, or create a Custom Field with the Standards instead. Custom fields are able to be added to documents via Document Stamping.

If you want the organizer to be a static set of documents and not auto update, I would use the default organizer and place the specific documents in folders rather than using taxonomy or virtual folders. That will ensure the organizer does not add new documents.

You can use the advanced search and focus on the Custom Field name in question. Using operators like “Is Null” or “Is Not Null” will give a list of documents that use that particular field. You can then narrow the list using additional criteria or select all documents that will have the same values and use replace fields to select the new values for each document. The user will be presented with the options.

There is a report called “Standards” if you generate this report it will show all documents tied to Standards.

It comes down to preference but the cleanest way I’ve seen it is as attached.

Standard: 21 CRF
Child: 211.22
Child of Child: 211.22(a)

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Thanks Ruben for answering this - currently we use infocards for each standard and then revise it as new versions are released by different standards bodies (ASTM, ISO etc.). We use links to relate the standard infocards to SOPs and other documents.

Hello I just tested this in 2020.1 and replaced the Title field using Replace Fields and the Custom Field values were retained. I would reach out to Support to see if this is a specific build issue.

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That’s a great way to keep track of the revisions of Standards. The main benefit I can suggest with using the Standards in the InfoCard is that you’ll have the reporting and searching function.

See this User Voice idea on this subject :slight_smile:

My organizers auto update every time I add a new element to Documents and I have to spend lots of time cleaning up and re-verifying those organizers. Is this something that will be corrected?

For the above we spend too much time fixing organizers. We need to have this corrected.

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When I try to use the Replace Fields Function, It clears the Custom Fields and makes me re-enter them all. Is this not normal based on your comment (@Inactive-Member-12145082)?

I am on 2020.1 and still run into this issue. For example, If I need to change the infocard subtype, it indicates it will lose all custom fields. image