2020 Roundtables Session 3: Optimize Your MasterControl Solution

I will look again, but I thought I was logged into the TEST site as sysadmin when I checked. We are currently in the process of upgrading from 11.7 to 2018.3 and have done so on TEST and DEV.

Hi! It appears that only some fields in the Replace Fields screen impact the custom field values. The author and owner can be changed without impacting the custom field values on the InfoCard but changing the Vault, Lifecycle, or InfoCard type clears out the custom field values already on the InfoCard (there may be other fields that impact it too but these are the ones I have noticed).

I just tested this again and changed the lifecycle on a couple of document infocards. The changes went through and my custom field values remained. I could see there being issues if the InfoCard Type or Subtype were changed being there can be different Custom Fields associated to each Doc Type.
I also did some research yesterday and there was a documented issue in 2018.3 regarding this that was corrected in later versions. If it is happening in a later version I’d get with support to show them the recreation steps to get this resolved.

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Ruben, As I am still seeing this issue in the latest MC version, are you recommending that I contact support?

Some of these features are not available for virtual folders or taxonomy organizers in 2018.3.

Hello Everyone

On my 2020.3 DEV site, I have a folder that contains subfolders (virtual folders) that I made from saved searches. I would like to be able to use each of the three Explorer Gateway export options on these subfolders, but so far I can only use them on the main default folder.

Is there a way to use the export features (e.g. Table of Contents) directly on the virtual folders?

(The obvious answer is to make default folders to house each of the virtual folders, but that will probably mess up the TOC and also require more clicks to get into each folder. I’d like to avoid this.)

Per the release notes for 2020.3, Documents module enhancement S-15263 states:

An exported PDF Binder or Table of Contents PDF from a folder in Explorer now contains any Virtual Folder contents added to that folder.

I don’t know what the intended functionality of this feature enhancement is with nested folders, so it might be worth a call to Support to clarify. I haven’t done any testing on this myself yet.

Thank you, Matthew. I am aware of that enhancement. It seems to be limited to the Organizer folders with Virtual folders as contents, rather than applying to virtual folders directly. Before calling Support, I wanted to see first if someone on here was successful with what I am trying to do. I’ll contact Support this week.