2020 Session 1: Enhanced Forms: Why Configurable Forms Are a Lifesaver

Perfect thank you! So if we haven’t yet configured FBS MOC (it’s next on the list, so we’ll just go straight into the new Enhanced Form), if we want to use Meeting Notes would it make sense to configure that BEFORE configuring MOC, or is it simple enough that we could configure/test/validate concurrently with MOC?

It’s super simple–you could easily do it concurrently.

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@Inactive-Member-52980426 The homework videos you created for the v1 FBS forms are very helpful. Will you be creating similar videos for the Enhanced Forms?


Great points. Thank you for sharing.

Hi Anita, I’ve recorded Demo videos for the homework packets; however, the items I went over in the homework explanation videos (the excel file videos) have been converted to help text/notes in the Excel files themselves, so that you have a constant reference instead of having to go back to the video to re-hear an explanation. We hope that ends up being a great improvement for everyone!


Our rep is Kassie Morgan.

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This would be a question for either @Inactive-Member-52980426 or @christopher.gumpper and is about future upgrades. The new Enhanced Forms is the first time that there is a new “version” of the FBS forms. Since we already have some FBS configured and implemented, we have to pay for services to upgrade our forms to take into account the new configuration options. When future versions are available (say Version 3, for example), would we need to pay for services each time there is a new version and we want to upgrade?

Hi Matt, Anything beyond this update is pure speculation, that I won’t hazard a guess into. For this update, because there are SO many new features, yes, Services is required. Beyond that, I can’t say.

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@Inactive-Member-52980426 when you say that anyone can report an event, does this also include view only users? We implemented the Event Report form a few months ago and don’t have an associated role that can be assigned to View Only users.

Hi Sara, when we implemented Event Report, we manually created a view-only role to allow view-only users to launch an Event Report FBS form. This role is not part of the standard package, but it can be created and remember to add it as an originator on the workflow. There is a User Voice submission here requesting a view-only user role for Event Report by default.

Good to know! I wish we had known this several months ago when we rolled out the form. It was definitely a source of frustration to have to limit the number of users who report events. Based on the rights available to assign to a view only role, I’m assuming that these users will not have access to any Custom Hubs and would be required to launch the form from the Start Tasks page?

That is correct! View Only users won’t have access to the Process module or custom hubs and must launch forms via Start Tasks.

Will the slides from this round table be available either on the customer website or here in the cafe? They may be useful in justifying the upgrade costs to management. Thank you!

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Hi Matt! Great question - yes, next Thursday, you’ll receive an email with a link to the recorded Webinar.

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Awesome thanks Kim! I guess I have another question while I’m at it, are there any planned enhancements to EventCards with the new options available in the Enhanced Forms? EventCards (and the associated report) are very useful for calculating KPIs, tracking/trending, and using Analyzer Agents across all of your quality events. There are now a lot of new fields that didn’t exist when EventCards first came about, like all the additional product information fields. Beyond submitting any ideas we have for enhancement to User Voice, is anything in the works?

Hey Matt - I misspoke about the slides being posted along with the Webinar video; just the video will be posted and the link sent. But I spoke with Juliana about it, so you may be hearing from her about the slides.

We’ve updated the Event Card mappings to map a number of the new fields over. The details of what’s in the updated mappings can be found in the Design Specs for the updated solutions. If you want to see fields mapped over that we didn’t map in the update, then, yes, User Voice is the best place to put in the request.

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Where can I find the video/slides?

Will there be enhancements to the e-form builder to expand functionality, or significant expansion to customer ability to build forms in general? I recall hearing allusions to this during the summit last year.

Hi Susan, thanks for your question. You can find the webinar here: https://www.mastercontrol.com/customers/webinars/

At this time, we are not releasing the slides as they contain customer content.