2021 Roundtables Session 3: How to Use Overlooked Features to Improve Your Efficiency

Welcome to the discussion board for the Customer Roundtables session, “How to Use Overlooked Features to Improve Your Efficiency.”

Solutions Consultant Manager Rob Carpenter will be available to answer questions starting at 12:45 p.m. EDT on 24 March. Introduce yourself and tag @rob.carpenter if you have a question you would like answered.

Matthew Seitz-Paquette and Adara Leonard of Fagron will also be active in this discussion after the session if you would like to ask them any questions about the material they presented. Tag them @matthew.seitz.paquette and @adara.leonard if your question is meant for them.

If you don’t yet have a MasterControl Cafe account, sign up using this link: https://mastercontrol.influitive.com/join/CustomerRoundtables . Once you sign up, you’ll be able to access other helpful customer discussions.

If you would like to register for the Customer Roundtables series, go to this challenge.

@rob.carpenter We had a few questions we didn’t have time to answer in the live session. Can you please help answer those below?

And @matthew.seitz.paquette and @adara.leonard feel free to weigh in on any of the below questions if you have additional thoughts.

  1. We have a lot of beginner users what is the best/easiest way to simply explain the use of the analyzer so that we as the experts don’t continually do basic user’s job? - @rachel.ryll
  2. What roles are needed to create Event Analyzers? - @heidi.meinen
  3. How can I know what events should be analyzed? - @travis.blankespoor
  4. We have considered using the Event Analyzer, but have not yet. With MasterControl Analytics on the horizon, will Event Analyzer still be a helpful tool or will Analytics replace the Analyzer? - @marsha.hoffman
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@rachel.ryll I think the best way to explain the EA is that it is a tool that constantly monitors events for trends. @matthew.seitz.paquette @adara.leonard How do you explain it to your team members?

@heidi.meinen EA is rights based. You can give any Role rights to the EA.

That’s exactly what we say, and that it will tell us when we have x number of issues related to a specific product or type of event. I will also note that only full users can use Event Analyzers; view-only users do not have access to them.

@travis.blankespoor If you set up an EA and there is nothing returned you’ll need to adjust your search parameters. The best way to know is to base the EA on an event that’s occurred where you are looking for existing events.
@marsha.hoffman The Insights tool will not replace EA at least in the short term, so I would suggest using it

I would also recommend starting your search small with just a few terms to get the most events, and then gradually add a condition or two to narrow it down and make sure you’re not omitting anything you want to keep.

@rob.carpenter And here are the remaining unanswered questions.

  1. Why can’t you search for an existing Event Analyzer as you can with other InfoCards? Why is an Event Analyzer not an InfoCard? - @marco.zinken
  2. Can you have an Event Analyzer trigger the running of a report or is the analyzer considered a report? - @matthew.myhre
  3. Any planned improvement coming? - @brittany.byington.1
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I’ll add here that FSS does have a standardized writing template we use for our forms, that way we can also ensure that our searches will be more consistent due to every form being written the same way. That template helps quite a bit when searching for specific words.

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The question I had is as follows… With the My Rules using email notification, is it linked to the general email notification settings or maintained separately. To clarify, if someone accesses the email notification from their settings and adjusts it to “Receive No Messages”, will they still receive the my rules notification? @rob.carpenter

@marco.zinken I believe EA is not an IC because it’s a tool inside the product.
@matthew.myhre EA will not trigger the running of a report. It will trigger a notification if the threshold is crossed. I wouldn’t consider it a report. It’s a tool to help you avoid opening and review report data on a regular basis.
@brittany.byington.1 We are always considering enhancements. I don’t know of any that will be included in next release. I do encourage users to submit enhancement ideas through User Voice.

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Does your template have choices as opposed to direct user input? We find that users are inconsistent in their input if left to enter on their own.

@carina.woodruff.1 Yes it will still email. Receive No Messages is tied to task messaging

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@brittany.byington.1, I have so many User Voice ideas for improving Analyzer Agents and Event Cards! Please vote for them!

We have a defined training system for all of our writers using the forms provided by the MasterControl Process Module. The entries are direct user input, but due to the training we provide for all of our writers we are able to collect consistent entries between our forms.

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I don’t see any information for Session 2 for 2020 at the bottom of this page - is there a specific reason for that?

@brenda.johnston I can see it. It is out of order so it’s at the bottom of the list on my screen

I see 4, 3 and 1 in that order but I don’t see 2.

@brenda.johnston Our vendor pulls in suggested topics and sometimes these are not pulled in order. Are you looking for the link to Session 2 from 2020?

Here is the link to the discussion board for that session: 2020 Roundtables Session 2: Save Time and Effort With the Validation Excellence Tool (VxT)

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Thanks Rob! We are considering implementing EA, but did not want to take the time to do so if it would be phased out by Insights.